Auschwitz 5.0 - The Empire of Hell

A biography of Sandor Schwarcz

by Farkas pungur

The other SS officer was swinging back and forth from his heels to his toes a few times…“Is there anyone here who is a professional football player?” He shouted again, and the translator translated him… Suddenly I step forward with three other men at the same time.

On your first game tomorrow you must do your best, play your heart out just like the others, because here you cannot loose. Losing the game will be deadly to all of you because the gentle football fans will turn into bloodthirsty animals. Be safe and do not get injured. Don’t get into any hard tackles because there is no place or need for a limping or injured player. According to the SS officers, these players belong in the gas chambers.


Farkas Pungur

Born in Hungary and a father of four, Farkas and his wife Reka moved to Australia in 2004. Utilising his masters degree in physical education teaching, and bachelors degree in gymnastics sport coaching – Farkas opened a gymnastics club in Brisbane which he proudly runs with his family.